What Can I Do About Chronic Arthritis Pain?

According to The Arthritis Foundation, more than 300,000 children and 50 million women and men in the U.S. suffer from the chronic pain and inflammation of arthritis. Arthritis isn’t a single disease, it’s a group of more than 100 different joint disorders that can cause serious disability and even lead to other health complications if not treated and managed. 

Osteoarthritis — a gradual wearing down of joints and protective cartilage because of overuse or aging — is the most common form of arthritis. You’re more likely to develop osteoarthritis as you get older, or if you play a lot of sports or are overweight.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where your body mistakenly attacks its own healthy tissues. The inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis can spread to your eyes, internal organs, and skin, if not treated.

Kimberly Bolling, MD, an experienced and compassionate internist in Bowie, Maryland, helps you manage arthritis symptoms and reduce pain so you can live the happy, fulfilling life you deserve. While each case of arthritis is unique to you and your circumstances, here she shares a few tips on how to keep pain at bay so you can enjoy your days without worrying about your arthritis.

Increase circulation  

Your blood and lymph fluids help detox your body — including joints — by washing away wastes and toxins. Blood and lymph are also filled with healing substances — including oxygen and growth factors — that keep your body healthy and strong. You can increase circulation in your joints with a variety of activities and therapies, including:

If you’re not sure how to administer hot/cold therapy or perform self-massage, ask Dr. Bolling about the best schedule and methods for your arthritis. If you haven’t exercised in a while, Dr. Bolling helps you design a routine that lets you progress at your own speed.

Chill out

Being stressed causes you to clench your muscles and build up tension near your joints. Relaxing your body and mind lets your circulation flow unimpeded, to bring oxygen and other nutrients to your joints. Try:

Taking time to relax and de-stress isn’t a form of laziness, it’s a form of self-care that’s essential to managing your arthritis and arthritis pain.

Load up on anti-inflammatories

Did you know that diet affects your chronic arthritis pain? If you have a form of arthritis called gout, you may be familiar with how what you eat affects your joints. But if you have other forms of arthritis, you may never have thought about your diet (unless you know you need to lose weight to take the load off your joints!).  

Dr. Bolling recommends adding anti-inflammatory foods, spices, and herbs to your diet, such as:

She may also recommend supplements, such as flaxseed oil, primrose oil, or black currant oil. While you’re adding delicious, fresh, new foods and flavors to your diet, cut out the types of foods that increase inflammation and pain, such as:

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to help your body flush away toxins. 

Get a pro on your team

No matter where you are in your arthritis journey — whether you’ve just started making lifestyle modifications, have been improving your habits for years, or haven’t yet begun — you shouldn’t have to put up with pain. Dr. Bolling offers a number of remedies for arthritis pain, from supplements to anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids to immunosuppressants. Having her on your team lets you monitor your progress and adjust therapies as needed.

To get relief from your chronic arthritis pain, call us today. You can book an appointment online or call our friendly staff. 

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