I'm Ready to Shed Some Pounds for Summer: Can You Help?

I'm Ready to Shed Some Pounds for Summer: Can You Help?

When you’re overweight or obese, you struggle with more than how you look or how your clothes fit. It’s harder to move, it’s harder to stay healthy, and you know you’re at increased risk for — or may already have — a life-threatening illness and disease, including:

Considering that our entire culture seems built on getting you to eat as many empty calories as possible, you can’t blame yourself for the position you’re in. You’ve had plenty of “help” gaining too much weight. You need help to lose it and keep it off in a healthy way, too. 

Kimberly Bolling, MD, an expert clinician and weight loss specialist, wants to help you achieve your figure and fitness goals. If you’re overweight or obese, she offers medically supervised weight loss and maintenance support at our offices in Bowie, Maryland.

Do you want to lose weight for summer? Here’s how we can help.

Weight loss designed for you

Unlike diets you find on the internet or at the bookstore, a medically supervised weight loss program is designed specifically for you, your body type, and your needs. Before we accept you as a candidate, Dr. Bolling conducts an in-depth consultation and examination, which includes:

If Dr. Bolling determines that you’re healthy enough for accelerated weight loss, she can help you lose as much as 20-30 pounds in your first two months. That means you have the figure you want when you hit the beach and the pool in the summer.

You must commit to a new lifestyle

You can’t be a couch potato, just sitting and eating potato chips, if you want to lose weight and gain health. Even if you think you have a reasonably healthy diet, you may need to give up some of your favorite comfort foods and replace them with more nourishing, flavorful alternatives.

Dr. Bolling’s dietary recommendations aren’t meant for the short term. They’re lifelong changes that reduce your risk for disease and also help you keep the weight off. But don’t worry: We focus first on adding fresh foods and high-quality protein before you have to give up your comforting, non-nourishing favorites.

If you’re sedentary at the moment, Dr. Bolling helps you gradually grow more active. The good news is, once your body starts moving, it wants to keep moving. Exercise not only helps you lose weight, it boosts your mood and increases blood flow throughout your body.

Medications may be necessary

If you’re actually obese (i.e., body mass index over 30), your health may be immediately threatened by your extra weight. In such cases, Dr. Bolling may prescribe medications that help your body burn fat more rapidly.

Even in cases where you’re in the overweight rather than obese category, Dr. Bolling may need to prescribe medications. If you have a health condition that’s worsened by the stress of extra weight, you could benefit from accelerated weight loss.

However, if you’re looking for a quick fix from the latest weight loss medications, you won’t be satisfied with your results. We only prescribe medications if you’re committed to making lifelong changes that help you stay healthy and free of excess weight.

Get ready to change your life

Once you lose the weight you’ve carried for years or decades, many aspects of your life change. It’s easier to exercise, it’s easier to find clothes that fit, and it’s easier to feel good about yourself and the choices you make.

During your weight loss journey, you come to our office at least once a month for progress checks, encouragement, and modifications to your routine. In addition to a healthy diet and exercise, Dr. Bolling may recommend supplements that keep your body optimally nourished.

After you’ve lost your weight, we encourage you to take advantage of what our team offers. The world is filled with temptations, from fast food to TV shows that encourage hours-long binging. By checking in with us regularly, you can maintain your healthy lifestyle and new figure for life.

Are you ready for your beach body? Get started now by calling our office at 301-352-0090. Or simply request an appointment online for a weight loss consultation today. 

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