3 Lifestyle Changes To Help Lessen Your Chances of Developing Arthritis

Whether you’ve already noticed that your joints stiffen after resting for awhile, or you’re just worried because you have family members with arthritis, pain from the disease doesn’t have to be part of your present or future.
While you can’t control all of the risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis — such as getting older, being female, or having a family history of the disease — you can make lifestyle changes that minimize your risk and prevent symptoms such as stiff, painful, or immobile joints.
Dr. Kimberly Bolling, a highly trained internal medicine specialist, sees firsthand how lifestyle changes improve the health and outlook of men and women in Bowie, Maryland, who come to her for arthritis treatment. Here she shares three lifestyle changes that minimize your risk for arthritis and keep your joints healthy and strong:
1. Lose weight
If you have arthritis in your hips, knees, ankles, or feet, the compression of your joints is compounded by carrying around extra weight. Dr. Bolling recommends getting to a healthy weight to take the pressure off your joints.
Not sure how much you should weigh? Dr. Bolling makes recommendations for an ideal weight when you come in for a physical examination.
If you have trouble losing weight on your own, or tend to yo-yo diet, Dr. Bolling helps with a medically supervised weight loss program that’s individually tailored to address your body composition, wrist-waist circumference, and any underlying conditions that may be contributing to your weight gain. You may be able to lose as much as 20 to 30 pounds in two to three months under Dr. Bolling’s supervision.
2. Avoid inflammatory foods
Even if you don’t need to lose weight, you may be eating foods that trigger your body to produce inflammation in the tissues that cushion your joints. Dr. Bolling recommends eating as much as you want from the safe, vegan food list, avoiding entirely any triggering foods, and adding in other foods as you wish that aren’t on either list.
Safe foods (eat plenty):
- Cooked rice
- Cooked green, orange, and yellow vegetables
- Cooked or dried fruits
- Water or seltzer
- Small amounts of salt, maple syrup, and vanilla extract
Trigger foods (avoid entirely):
- Meat, poultry, seafood, and fish
- Eggs
- Wheat and corn
- Dairy (includes all forms of cow, goat, or sheep products)
- Citrus fruits and tomatoes
- Potatoes
- Nuts and peanuts
- Coffee and herbal teas
Dr. Bolling may recommend essential fatty acid supplements, such as flaxseed oil, primrose oil, or black currant oil, to improve joint health.
3. Mind your joints
Even if you’ve begun to experience arthritis pain, that doesn’t mean you should cut back on exercise. Using your joints wisely and carefully helps them stay healthy.
If you’re not sure what kind of exercise is best for you, Dr. Bolling designs a program that works with your weight, environmental conditions, and goals.
If you play sports, dance, or work in a profession that requires repetitive movements, you need to take extra care of your joints to avoid arthritis. Be sure you get any injuries treated right away at an urgent care center.
Warm up and cool down after sports or repetitive motions, and take breaks from excessive standing or sitting at work.
To learn more about how to keep your joints healthy and prevent arthritis, contact Dr. Bolling for an evaluation. You can call, drop by the Bowie office for urgent care, or book an appointment online.
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